How telemedicine can allow you to see more patients

There are many benefits to using a telemedicine platform. One of the biggest advantages is that you can see more patients in a shorter period of time. 

Common problems that used to hold you back are no longer an issue, and you can start to see more patients throughout the day. 

Lots of appointments, including follow-ups, are often just a brief chat, meaning you can easily carry them out quickly online, without the patient needing to sit in your waiting room. This saves time for both you and them. 

With text and email reminders, this will also help stop any issues with forgetting, or getting the wrong time of day.

No more lateness

Using an online solution means that your patients will not need to travel to see you. This stops any issues with lateness caused by things such as traffic or parking issues. 

You will no longer have to take these struggles into consideration and allow extra time for appointments. This is also a huge benefit for patients as their appointment will only take minutes out of their day, not hours. 

See patients from further afield

Another huge benefit of using a telemedicine platform is being able to see patients from outside of your clinic areas. You are no longer tied down to local patients who are willing to travel multiple times for appointments. Now, you can offer all consultations online and limit the need for your patients to have to travel to see you. This not only benefits you but also your patients, as they will only need to take a few minutes out of their day for your appointment, rather than a few hours. 

While patients are usually willing to travel for surgery, they may not want to have to travel for initial consultations or follow up appointments, with telemedicine you can now do all of those things online. This allows you to broaden your areas of practice and attract patients from further out. Having online call options could help when deciding who a person chooses with their healthcare.

See more patients in a day

By moving your appointments online, and taking the above points into consideration, this all points to you being able to see more patients in a day. No more lateness, or forgetting appointments. You can also schedule calls closer together to enable you to see more people in a day.

The other side to this, is that you can see more patients in a shorter space of time – giving you freedom and the option to run shorter clinic hours. Many of our users run regular clinics and can schedule calls at regular times, making it easier to connect with patients you see on a constant basis. 

About Us

MyClinic is a free telemedicine solution that is used in over 70 countries around the world. 

We are dedicated to providing choice, accessibility and ease for remotely delivered health services.

Our video consultation solution is available anywhere with an internet connection, so your patients can consult with you from virtually any device, quickly and easily.

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